Are there exceptions when you say that you aim to publish all submissions?

We will not publish pieces that promote violence or harm against any living being. For the record, works that clamor for liberation or critique abuse are acceptable—we can spot the difference between calling out issues and endorsing abuse.

What counts as a “previously published” or “previously produced” work?

For us, a previously published work is a piece of writing that has appeared in a literary magazine, journal, or anthology; or a chapbook or book published by a press after editorial review. If you’d like to submit a previously published piece to Pandan Weekly, please make sure you own all rights to the work.

A previously produced work refers to a play or screenplay that has been staged or produced by a theater or production company.

As much as we respect self-publication and self-production, we do not consider self-published works in one’s blog or social media account as “previously published,” or self-produced works as “previously produced.”

Can I still submit a piece I posted on my personal blog or website for publication in Pandan Weekly? How about a script for a play or screenplay that I self-produced?

Yes! You’re more than welcome to send us something you posted on your blog, website, or even social media; or a script for a play or screenplay you self-produced. Please note that we do not consider such work to be “previously published” or “previously produced,” so it has to be workshopped in SEA Lit Circle for publication in Pandan Weekly.

Is the Writers Workshop really required?

The Writers Workshop with SEA Lit Circle is only required for works that have not been published before. Similar to the “feedback option” of some lit mags, the workshop with SEA Lit Circle will give authors the feedback they need to further refine and be confident with their work—and with guaranteed publication in Pandan Weekly. For more information, check out our submission page.

Previously published pieces do not need to be workshopped, and they can be submitted to Pandan Weekly through this form during our submission period. You can find more information on our submission page.

Why is there a workshop fee to submit a work that has not been published before?

The workshop fee of 6.99 USD entitles you to:

  • a Writers Workshop with a group of dedicated writers for your piece

  • a one-month membership to our community, SEA Lit Circle

  • guaranteed publication in Pandan Weekly

The workshop fee goes to supporting our community, as we host writing- or reading-related activities for our members. Second, it ensures that all the people who join are just as committed as you to writing, polishing one’s craft, and helping each other.

How much is the student discount for the workshop fee?

The student price for the workshop fee is 2.99 USD. This applies to undergraduates and below only. Please email us proof of being a student (e.g., student ID photo) at sealitcircle@gmail.com to get the student discount coupon for the workshop fee.

What is the Writers Workshop with SEA Lit Circle like?

Typically, writers workshops have a panel of writers critiquing a literary work based on their expectations, interpretations, and what they think someone else’s work is trying to do. That’s a great experience. But at the SEA Lit Circle Writers Workshop, you moderate the discussion of your work. That’s because you have your own goals and reasons for writing the work the way that you did. So the Writers Workshop is meant for you to get targeted tips, advice, and ideas from fellow writers who understand where you’re coming from, so your vision can be fully realized.

The Writers Workshop is not a place where the only thing you’ll hear is “Love it! This work is brilliant.” And it’s also not a place where you’ll receive hate or personal attacks. Here, you’ll get honest and constructive feedback from other writers who genuinely care about you honing your craft.

Participating writers will be grouped in pairs or in threes. You’ll need to read all the works of your groupmates—don’t worry, you’ll have enough time to finish reading them all for the Workshop. Just as you will review and prepare your feedback for your workshop groupmates, your workshop groupmates will also review and give feedback on your work.

Are you able to pay your contributors?

Unfortunately, we are unable to pay contributors right now. In the meantime, we will proudly promote contributors even after publication.

I’m not sure if I’m “Asian” enough.

We understand and recognize how borders and nationalism can be obstacles to one’s sense of belongingness in a culture. For Pandan Weekly, any of the following are enough for us:

  • You were born in Asia or grew up in Asia

  • You migrated to an Asian country or are based in Asia

  • Your submission is about your or your family’s Asian heritage